thanks babe sun's up another day goes by look at the time fly comment vous dire? La vérité fini toujours par se découvrir, À chaque jour suffit sa peine, Chacun trouve chaussure a son pied, Le temps blanchi les têtes sans mûrir la raison.
Atlus has been killing it with their UI design since Persona 5 tbh
what the fuck i was left off this list???
If your the kind of guy who fucks in a car, you can't afford these couches, nor would you want to,
i actually really like these, let me recline that baby and sleep halfway sprawled across the center divider ITS MY RIGHT
give me one of the crescent almond cookies please
Yes it is because uBlock Origin I've found. It tries to load ads, goes when it can't, and will just sit there until the ad timer is up before actually loading.
please please it would be so funny
1.- Does he owe allegiance to the United States? How is that even defined? I don't see how "adoctrinating children to the pledge of alliance" counts, since it's, well, indoctrination, not allegiance.
Selective Service Act (which he probably did sign up with given men are supposed to when they turn 18, for FASFA and whatnot)
I mean also not to mention the fact he's a citizen - and if a citizen can be (and has been in the past) charged with treason which also uses that language, the argument that 'I don't owe allegiance to the US' kinda falls apart:
Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.
Looney Tunes show (episode specifically being The Float) > Ducktales
Dont get me wrong I admire some outcomes communist countries achieve just not at the cost
more sq footage too what the fuck
more windows than my apartment so honestly i'd take one....
do we live in the same apartment complex???
my apartment complex borders a larger complex and a bunch of single family homes, so of course, a few strays isn't unusual but holy shit this is the first place I've lived in this city (fairly large 300k+ population) that I'm like "there are too many stray animals outside" and they're ALL cats. Literal families of cats too because, since moving here back in August, I've seen two toms with distinct coats and then 3 older females who also have distinct coats, and then a bunch of 1-3 year old cats with...those same coats.
What’s worse is there’s fucking people dumping kitty kibbles on the streets, by buildings, IN buildings. Grandmas, college kids, LIBS.
this is me and my two neighbors (I caved one rainy day when as I was stepping outside to go to the store, one of the female strays was just sitting on my welcome mat just wet, cold, and clearly looking for a dry place to hide out and my heart broke & next thing I know I'm bringing back a jumbo bag of Temptations cat treats from the store and putting some out beside her on my door mat...YES IF YOU WERE WONDERING SHE NOW COMES RUNNING ACROSS THE PARKING LOT WHENEVER SHE SEES ME GETTING MAIL AND FOR THE PAST TWO WEEKS I'VE BEEN LIKE 'I DON'T HAVE ANY TREATS' AND SHE TRIES TO BITE ME AFTER I GIVE HER A SINGLE HEAD SCRATCH)
Now, not only is there cat shit everywhere, cats are outright destroyingthe flora and fauna
that's right and why i haven't succumbed to like, literally feeding the entire population kibble like my one neighbor does nightly. the other day I heard one of the females yowling (i swear to god at first I was like "oh they're having sex" but i remembered its winter and they were probably fighting eachother) and I was sitting on my couch like as I realized that come spring, there's gonna be population boom when all of the cats get pregnant and can sustain those kittens since they have easy access to a food source (me, the pushover twink)
Blue Bottle Experiment? I know we did that in middle school. NileRed has a video on it that shows it, which might stir your memory if it was what you did.