I'll admit to some nerd shit and say that the Mars trilogy was an important part of my becoming a leftist. It got me to question my capitalist realism and think that maybe a better society is possible. I'm reading his most recent book though and he has this long, weird riddle thing where the answer was blockchain and I found it super off putting.

  • thethirdgracchi [he/him, they/them]
    3 年前

    It's not ridiculous to point out that blockchain is a solution looking for a problem. There's very little that blockchains are good at that a centralized database can't do better. In certain cases, where trust is important between two parties who don't know each other, blockchain is great. Anything else? Eehhhhh

    • WhatAnOddUsername [any]
      3 年前

      I don't know most of the people in the world, and trust is important in any transaction, so "cases where trust is important between two parties who don't know each other" covers a lot.