But think of the spores sicko-beaming

    • Darthsenio_Mall [he/him]
      9 个月前

      For sure! I just set a reminder on my phone to come back here earlier next year lmao. I wonder how many flushes of this size can come from the nutrition in one log. I'm gonna be come saprotrophic.

      • FakeNewsForDogs [he/him]
        9 个月前

        Probably a lot. That log is gigantic and looks at least somewhat fresh. Great find.

        • Darthsenio_Mall [he/him]
          9 个月前

          Thanks and i hope so! I assume I'll remember to post it again next september either way

    • Darthsenio_Mall [he/him]
      9 个月前

      hey you already have a joke star w*rs name on hexbear- that's half the battle, now you just need to wander around a forest!

    • Darthsenio_Mall [he/him]
      9 个月前

      too old for eating (at least by a human) deeper-sadness

      when they get older like these ones were they lose a lot of flavor and go from being springy and tender to tough, dry, and woody. cleaning them also becomes increasingly labor intensive the older they are as you have to contend with more fungus gnat larvae and cutting away rotten spots. you can't tell from my poorly-focused picture but these ones were dried out, pale, and half-eaten by bugs, a lot like me after a hike in the woods.