Only three of the 16 competing presidential formulas have a chance of going to the second round of elections, according to the polls.

Ecuador will experience this Saturday and Sunday the first presidential debate required by law, in view of the general elections on February 7th. Although 16 presidential candidates will participate, the polls predict that only three formulas have the greatest possibilities of winning.

These are the duos formed by Andrés Arauz and Carlos Rabascall, of the Union for Hope (UNES) alliance; Yaku Pérez and Virna Cedeño, of the Pachakutik Plurinational Unity Movement; and Guillermo Lasso and Alfredo Borrero, of the Creating Opportunities (CREO) - Christian Social Party (PSC) alliance.

Andrés Arauz

Andrés Arauz, 35, was the coordinating minister of Knowledge and Human Talent during the presidency of Rafael Correa. He is also a director of the Central Bank.

Arauz, who is center-left, has Correa's political backing (2007-2017). According to experts, one fifth of Ecuadorians identify with Correa's policies.

The UNES flag bearer was born on February 6, 1985 in Quito. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Economics and Mathematics from the University of Michigan, a Master's Degree in Development Economics from the Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences FLACSO, and is currently studying for a PhD in Financial Economics at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM).

Arauz has criticized the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and has promised that, if he wins the presidency, he will reverse the "neoliberal" policies of outgoing President Lenín Moreno. He supports capital controls and would seek to relaunch the regional bloc UNASUR.

Yaku Perez

Yaku Perez is 51 years old and was born on February 26, 1969 in Cachipucara, Cuenca. He is an indigenous leader of the Kichwa-Kañari nationality. From 2013 to 2019 he assumed the presidency of the Confederation of Peoples of the Kichwa Nationality (ECUARUNARI).

Located on the political left, Perez has participated in demonstrations during the governments of Correa and Lenin Moreno.

In the 2019 sectional elections he was elected as prefect of the province of Azuay.

He studied law and is a defender of the environment, fights for water rights and is against mining activity.

His proposals are based on an economic model of sustainable development that protects the environment.

He has refused to meet with delegates from the IMF and has stated that if he wins the elections, he will review the agreements signed by the current government with the financial institution and ask for a moratorium on debt payments.

Guillermo Lasso

Guillermo Lasso, located on the right side of the ideological spectrum, is a businessman and owner of financial holdings, among them the Banco Guayaquil, whose main income is invested in real estate companies, trust companies and off-shore companies.

The standard-bearer of the CREO - PSC coalition is 65 years old. He was born in Guayaquil on November 16, 1955. In 1993 he completed a program in business administration at the Instituto de Desarrollo Empresarial (IDE). In 2011, the Universidad de las Américas awarded him the degree of Doctor Honoris Causa.

This is his third attempt to become the head of state of Ecuador after participating in the 2013 and 2017 elections.

Lasso was Minister of Economy (1999) and Governor of the Province of Guayas (1998). He is supported by the business, social conservative and center-right elites.