throwing radioactive debris all over my territory to own the yankees. did they learn nothing from soviet missile programs? fucking waste of money, you can already kill everything it doesn't matter if you can make one do loop-de-loops
It actually does matter because it allows you to bypass missile defenses.
no, it doesn't. first-strike brinkmanship is made up, your country & the world at large are dead whether or not you destroyed 15% of the enemy's second-strike capability with your billion dollar extra special missile
yeah lol, you're not going to be able to nuke every submarine that's out there lying in wait. the only potential advantage of something like this is that it flies for long enough for you to be able to possibly call it off without detonation
Uhhhh, why tho? Trying to keep enough missiles in the air the way UPS does with planes?
The idea is that such missiles have far greater range than current missile tech and that allows them to take routes that were previously impossible. Such missiles can completely bypass US defences and detection. This is a first strike weapon, and it's a great illustration of the danger of abandoning nuclear treaties policy that US pursued.
Probably because the US is spending every last dollar it has to surround Russia with military bases, so Russia feels like it needs to continue to escalate its nuclear first strike capabilities.
But what’s the point? It’s not like you can recall the missile once it’s launched, so what is the US supposed to do? Wait 3-5 business days for the impact? No, they’ll just launch their average 15 minute ICBMs.
I love capitalist innovation.
“Oh, you don’t like the average 15 minute ICBM delivery? We are proud to announce the brand new “3-5 business day” missile!”