• Addfwyn@lemmygrad.ml
    9 个月前

    They seem to be going with "He joined them AFTER they did those things, so it's totally cool". Like after literally burning people alive they just gave away milk and cookies for the rest of their military duty.

    • CicadaSpectre@lemmygrad.ml
      9 个月前

      Personally I think that's even worse. It implies that SS Galicia had a reputation for brutal mass murder by that point and this dude decided to join up with them. It's like wanting to enlist in the US Army right after you find out about My Lai.

      • PolandIsAStateOfMind@lemmygrad.ml
        9 个月前

        Him voluntering after crimes is also a lie, SS Galizien was founded in 1943 and comitted crimes against humanity up till the very end of war.

        • CicadaSpectre@lemmygrad.ml
          9 个月前

          I figured that was probably the case, too. I don't really understand how people could think a Nazi unit would suddenly stop doing Nazi stuff during the war. Anything to pretend anti-communists are heroes, I guess.

        • cfgaussian@lemmygrad.ml
          9 个月前

          Stay-behind Ukrainian Nazi cells kept committing crimes against humanity for years after the war ended, they murdered tens of thousands of civilians in Ukraine all the way up to the early 1950s when they were finally crushed by the Soviet government.

        • CicadaSpectre@lemmygrad.ml
          9 个月前

          I mean, I was stupid at 16-18, but I'm pretty sure doing anything like that would have given me a mental breakdown or worse.

            • CicadaSpectre@lemmygrad.ml
              9 个月前

              I genuinely can't comprehend how a person could think such a thing. Even if I killed 1000 Nazis, I'd still feel a weight on my conscience from killing so many people. I can't understand the mind of men who can kill civilians without an ounce of guilt or remorse.