Transcomrade69 is a liar and a wrecker. I have supported LGBT causes all my adult life and I was banned by this liar and wrecker for questioning their logic. Feeling like something is happening is not evidence. Personal drama is not evidence of violence. Transcomrade69 uses bullshit drama to wreck this community and get rid of actual real life leftists like me. And many others. I guarantee they have not done an iota of real work for LGBT people or organising in real life. This place is just Transcomrade69's personal drama blog. I'm only writing this because I'm drunk. I was banned a while ago, for asking a fucking question. Fuck you Transcomrade69, wrecker and liar. And to the ChapoChat community: it is funny to watch you all walk headlong into an op sucker punch, just like every leftist space does. Don't let the wreckers and ops in. If its not this wrecker, it'll be some other one. Ban me now you fucking coward Transcomrade69. I won't be back. by

  • TillieNeuen [she/her]
    4 years ago

    Lol I was so confused by this until I realized it was posted to copypasta!