I just started learning C# 3 days ago in order to make some SMAPI mods for Stardew Valley ('SV'). I've never coded before, and just started with the C# beginners course on YouTube that was suggested in the SV SMAPI guide.

I'm wondering:

  1. What are some good free or cheap resources/tutorials you've used for learning C#/coding in general?; and

  2. Suggestions for good languages/your favourite language which I should try out after I've gotten some idea of C#.

The ultimate goal after just moding is to make a game in similar scale to SV with my mate — it's going to being a life sim/tactics game with similar mechanics to the first two GBA Fire Emblems.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions, beautiful comrades :jeb:

  • JoeByeThen [he/him, they/them]
    3 年前

    Have you looked into Unity? It's a game engine running mostly on c# and they've got a decent amount of tutorials out there. Learning a whole new visual ide might be outside your scope right now, but if you're looking to eventually build a game from scratch it might be worth looking into.