• Hot Saucerman@lemmy.ml
    1 year ago

    This chucklefuck is a year younger than me.

    I read The Second Sex twenty fucking years ago. It was written over 70 years ago.

    Like, they keep acting like gender is performative is a new idea when it's absolutely old as living fuck at this point.

    How long do we keep giving them to accept that this is clearly true and has value as a way to discuss a variety of subjects, from social expectations of what cisgender women are "supposed to look like" to why gender and biological sex are different things (on top of biological sex being a lot more vague than conservatives tend to think. protip: intersex people exist!)?

    How long do they get to hide behind "It was a different world back then" when books written about this very subject come from that ancient fucking world they're always referencing for why they're such bigoted fucking shitheels.

    They shouldn't get to hide behind "it was a different world back then" when a number of us who are older than this dipshit are familiar with these ideas already because these ideas existed before we were fucking born.

    Maybe their stupid asses should have picked up and read a fucking book (that wasn't Mein Kampf) in seventy fucking years.

    Anyway, it is sickening and ridiculous this far into the future this is still being discussed like its a controversial issue and not clearly fucking painfully obviously the reality of the situation.

    • thefartographer@lemm.ee
      1 year ago

      Time, research, facts, priority, urgency... None of it means anything to them. They quote texts that are nearly 80 years old as if it's modern science while calling laws and programs programs that are 60 years old outdated, even though they're meant to hopefully level the playing field for people who were heavily abused for hundreds of years and now are only medium-abused.

      Commenters keep talking about stopped clocks being right twice a day, but they're worse than that. These aren't stopped clocks, these are creepy old dudes jerking off in the corner and they happen to own a watch.

      Someone asks them, "hey Steve wants to know what time it is," and they respond, "SHOW ME STEVE'S GENITALS! EW! Got anything younger?"

      • Hot Saucerman@lemmy.ml
        1 year ago

        These aren’t stopped clocks, these are creepy old dudes jerking off in the corner and they happen to own a watch.

        I'm not sure I've ever seen a more accurate description, honestly.