Klei’s a cool dev studio, they’re supposedly pretty good about not doing intense crunch cycles, etc. Dont Starve is probably their most popular title.
I’ve been playing a ton of Oxygen Not Included lately (just started manufacturing liquid oxygen for the first time, gotta get those rockets going), so I’ve checked in on the reddit pretty regularly. They’re not doing well, folks:
People are whipping themselves into a frenzy about free Taiwan (Mao already did that smh), spyware (not sure what they think internet in the global north is financed by) and general yellow peril shit. The reddit threads link to posts on the Klei forums which are just as trash, but not as easy to browse as reddit imo.
Never change, reddit
Oxygen Not Included is awesome. Here are some pics of a base I did a while back.
Ah that is a nice base! Definitely a lot to look at, I’m gonna be studying that rocket setup.
I ended up doing Rime this time around, with the goal of launching my first rocket. I finally did launch a few, got liquid oxygen (and liquid hydrogen, but not enough) for petrol rockets, and I’m already thinking about whether I should abandon the map due to not having renewable wolframite. Kinda thinking I’ll hit temporal tear and retire it when I’ve got the hydrogen.
Nice ! I picked Rime too because while initial food production is a little harder, not having to deal with overheating helps a lot.