
Feinberg came of age working in factories, and joined the Workers World Party, later becoming a writer and managing editor for the Workers World newspaper, where hir “Lavender & Red” articles discussed LGBT issues.

In 1992 ze published Transgender Liberation: A Movement Whose Time Has Come, followed by hir first novel, Stone Butch Blues, a year later. The novel struck a chord with readers worldwide, and was translated into several languages, including Chinese, Turkish, Italian, and Hebrew. A later book, Transgender Warriors: Making History from Joan of Arc to RuPaul, won the Firecracker Alternative Book Award.

Ze went on to publish a collection of articles and a second novel, Drag King Dreams, in 2006. Beyond hir writing, Feinberg spent decades fiercely advocating for a wide spectrum of disadvantaged groups, including the disabled, the working class, women, homosexuals, and transgender people.

After decades of battling complications from Lyme disease, Feinberg died at the age of sixty-five.

Trans Liberation: Beyond Pink or Blue

PDF download

chapter 1 audiobook - By comrade @futomes

chapter 2 audiobook

chapter 3 audiobook

chapter 4 audiobook

chapter 5 audiobook

chapter 6 audiobook

chapter 7 audiobook

chapter 8 audiobook

The State and Revolution

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The Conquest of Bread

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    • BillyMays [he/him]
      3 years ago

      Idk Beat. Go through the thread, it’s a lot. And quite disappointed how easily people are falling for this shit.

      I think it comes from this view of my life is full of suffering and I don’t think anyone else has the right to impose suffering onto someone else + having a general distain for humanity because we have a long history of killing each other and destroying our habitat.

      Which is once again liberal ideology born out of personal responsibility and totally ignoring the basic fact that humans are made to reproduce and this earth has plenty of room and resources for all of us, but it’s capitalists who steal it all for themselves.

      They think they’re being woke by using a fascist taking point against capitalist countries when in fact you’re bolstering their argument for them.