Hell yeah, positivity thread! Sadly I don't have much to contribute because my week was dogshit but I support the idea lol. It would be good to have regular praxis threads and positivity threads because it's too easy to go full doomer these days. The highlight of my week every week is cuddling my dog so I'll go with that. How about you?
hmmmm, i guess i came out of a bit of a work slump and am feeling more on top of my daily to do list. my job is pretty meaningful to me (i.e. not really bullshit at all), but i'm in between big tasks and i'm starting to let go of the guilt that comes with logging hours working on very tangentially related open source projects. my daily to do list includes spending time with my cat so that's a highlight for me too. also i made cauliflower wings today
i don't know if i'll remember to make this a regular thread, but i really want to see this com become more active. something about commie bloomer shit really gets me going.
Hell yeah, positivity thread! Sadly I don't have much to contribute because my week was dogshit but I support the idea lol. It would be good to have regular praxis threads and positivity threads because it's too easy to go full doomer these days. The highlight of my week every week is cuddling my dog so I'll go with that. How about you?
hmmmm, i guess i came out of a bit of a work slump and am feeling more on top of my daily to do list. my job is pretty meaningful to me (i.e. not really bullshit at all), but i'm in between big tasks and i'm starting to let go of the guilt that comes with logging hours working on very tangentially related open source projects. my daily to do list includes spending time with my cat so that's a highlight for me too. also i made cauliflower wings today
i don't know if i'll remember to make this a regular thread, but i really want to see this com become more active. something about commie bloomer shit really gets me going.