Tea is considered to have originated in China. But it’s the delicate, fresh-tasting green tea that became popular in Eastern society and is still the base of tea culture there today.

As tea culture spread and tea was processed for export to trade beyond regions, neighboring countries and eventually across oceans, it was discovered that the more oxidized black tea would retain its freshness and flavor better over long journeys than its minimally oxidized green tea cousin.

In the earliest days of border trade between China, Tibet and other neighboring countries, tea was fermented, dried and pressed into bricks to be used as currency. To this day, most of the black tea produced in China is exported out of the country.


  • Earl Grey tea: Black tea with bergamot oil

  • Engl*sh Breakfast tea: Full-bodied, robust, rich and blended to go well with milk and sugar.

  • Engl*sh afternoon tea: Medium bodied, bright and refreshing. Strong Assam and Kenyan teas are blended with Ceylon which adds a light, brisk quality to the blend.

  • Irish breakfast tea: Blend of several black teas: most often Assam teas and, less often, other types of black tea.

  • Masala chai Indian spiced tea: Combines black tea, spices native to the Indian sub-continent, milk, and a sweetener such as sugar or honey

The State and Revolution

:lenin-shining: :unity: :kropotkin-shining:

The Conquest of Bread

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Yesterday’s megathread :sad-boi:

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!bloomer@hexbear.net :bloomer:

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!recovery@hexbear.net :left-unity-2:

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  • ComradeKingfisher [he/him]
    4 years ago
    • Call EDD because I've not been paid in six weeks despite still having money in my claim balance and being on extension already

    • All numbers are maxed out and won't even put you on hold

    • latest call has them saying that they're closed and to call back during regular business hours (M-F, 8AM-8PM)

    • it's 1pm on a Monday

    Goddamn, I'm extremely lucky that I've some cushion (which I really don't want to dip into because that's what I'm using to pay for top surgery this summer), but the vast majority fucking don't. Guys on r/unemployment are talking about how they've not been paid for weeks. They're out of money for food, their cars are being repo'd, they're month's behind on rent, they've not been able to pay bills and their credit is now destroyed, etc. There's been next to 0 communication from EDD, and the new reps they've onboarded are giving out conflicting information on the phone. It's been a month since the new bill passed and the systems are still FUBAR.

    Oh, and Gavin Newsom is reopening the state under pressure from businesses, despite SoCal being at 0% ICU capacity, with both the UK strain and they newly ID'd LA strain ripping through the pop.

    This past year I've seen the homeless pop only grow and grow, and we've not even hit the lifting of the eviction moratorium yet. Doubly infuriating because WE HAVE ENOUGH FUCKING HOUSING FOR EVERYONE.

    It's really fucking hard to not be a doomer knowing everything that's coming down the pipeline :doomer:

      • ComradeKingfisher [he/him]
        4 years ago

        Oh I've been lurking there too. Tried all sorts of combos people used to get through. Farthest I got was being on hold for 2 hours only to be hung up on (after about 164 calls, lucky me). I've got uni shit to do so I've settled for shooting them a message on their contact us page. Takes like a week for them to respond, but it beats redialing numbers as a full-time job. Thank you regardless though.

        It might still be worth posting those hints, however, in case there are other chapos lurking here who could benefit from it.