Hey all, so I feel pretty anxious about self-promotion and putting work out there but last year I figured "fuck it, everything is falling apart, why not" and hit the big PUBLISH button on Amazon. Is it weird/cringe/lib to link it here? I've got some things for the sequel I'm working on I'd like to ask for input/help.

It's free on Kindle Unlimited and I've been throwing out free copies to anyone who asks, honestly I fucking hate that Amazon is the biggest player and if anyone has advice for where/how else to get it out there I'm all ears. Don't care about the money, it was up on Smashwords at first too but I had to pull it to make it free on Amazon, and it wasn't getting any hits on Smashwords anyway.

It's leftist cyberpunk with a heavy dash of lesbian romance. A major character is trans and I'm cis as hell, so I ran everything by a trans friend of mine writing the first one, but they're pretty busy these days. Input I was looking for was basically just sensitivity reading from my trans comrades, I want to do them and the character justice.

  • ZaneWinters [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Fuck I never even thought of Wattpad for some reason. I'm so bad at this, haha. Book will be up there free later today if I can swing it, thank you.

    If price matching is a thing on Amazon I don't know, I don't remember seeing anything about it on the site. Trying to google my way into all this as someone completely new to it is very frustrating, most of what comes up is "HOW TO MAKE A MILLION DOLLARS ON YOUR SELF HELP BOOK" which...is unhelpful, to say the least.

    What's your work? If you don't mind me asking, of course.