Tired of mowing all this shit and now the city's pissing and moaning about weeds so it's time to do something about it. I think I'm in USDA zone 7 if it matters.

  • FlakesBongler [they/them]
    9 months ago

    So, clover was mentioned earlier and it's what I have for my lawn

    It's pretty low maintenance since you don't need to mow or water it anywhere near as much as grass

    In fact, I don't mow my lawn at all and I only water it from my rain bucket and even then, only when it's particularly dry

    Looks nice, smells nice, feels nice, it's good

    If you don't want to fuss with it at all, you might consider covering it with cardboard and mulch, which will take out the grass entirely

    At this point, you'll probably want to either cover it with wood chips or gravel, to help keep anything else from settling in and growing back in

    Wood chips have to get replaced every so often because they'll break down eventually, gravel lasts longer but it hurts a lot to fall down on (believe me)