Pretend the $20 million is guaranteed, and if anything will increase slightly over time.
What problems could be significantly improved for $20 million?
(I am dreaming of winning the $1.55 billion Powerball drawling. Then taking the lumpsum, posting taxes, investing, and spending 4% each and every year. I understand that the actual may be more, or less than the started amount.)
Pay off my debt, buy a modest home, go back to school, never work a shit job for minimum wage ever again.
But I don't need anywhere near 20,000,000 dollars a year to do that.
After some large donations to communist organizations, I'd put the remaining few million per year into buying commercial slots on every major TV network in the US. Then I'd create Jury Nullification PSAs and blast them over the airways continuously until the message sinks in universally that juries are under no obligation at all to respect the laws currently grinding marginalized people into dust.
It's honestly enough money to start a worker coop too. I would also love to have like 20 different companies all spinning around and changing names giving every employee crazy titles. Ah yes, you are a manager and if anyone asks you've been here 5 years and were amazing, sad to lose you.
That's such a great idea that I'm sure anyone who did this would end up charged with some type of fraud, unfortunately