Yeah, let's spend millions of scarce public infrastructure money to appease middle class Tour De France LARPers because people in wheelchairs might tangentially benefit from lowered curbs.
Yes, every cyclist is a lycra clad tour de france larper. It's not like there's an abundance of countrys where people use them as means of transportation.
But, okay, hit me. how do you solve the last mile problem?
Yeah, let's spend millions of scarce public infrastructure money to appease middle class Tour De France LARPers because people in wheelchairs might tangentially benefit from lowered curbs.
Yes, every cyclist is a lycra clad tour de france larper. It's not like there's an abundance of countrys where people use them as means of transportation.
But, okay, hit me. how do you solve the last mile problem?
Why don't you tell me how cycling solves the last mile problem for differently abled person? You're just moving goalposts now.
Where I live cycling pathways are widely used by differently abled people all the time, and the infrastructure does benefit both