Stumbled upon this which is sort of like a list of Soviet Ten Twelve Commandments, though it is Khrushchev-era stuff.

  1. Loyalty to Communism, and love of the socialist Motherland and other socialist countries.
  2. Conscious work for the good of the society: One who doesn't work, doesn't get to eat.
  3. Care for the collective property, as well as the multiplying of this property.
  4. High consciousness of the social responsibilities, and intolerance to the violation of the social interests.
  5. Collectivism and comradery: All for one and one for all.
  6. Humane relationships between human beings: One human being is a friend, a comrade and a brother to another human being.
  7. Honesty, ethical cleanliness, as well as simplicity and modesty both in private and public life.
  8. Mutual respect in the family, and care for the upbringing of the children.
  9. Intolerance to the injustice, social parasitism, unfairness, careerism, and acquisitiveness.
  10. Friendship and brotherhood with all the nations of the USSR, intolerance to all racial and national dislike.
  11. Intolerance to the enemies of communism, peace and freedom of peoples of the world.
  12. Brotherly solidarity to all workers of all countries and nations.
  • CrookedSerpent [she/her]
    4 years ago

    Socialism is when you are forced to do wage labor in order to eat except the state is the corporation, so its cool because the state represents the will of the proletariat.