• zed_proclaimer [he/him]
        8 months ago

        I don't recognize American occupations and air bases as sovereign territories

          • zed_proclaimer [he/him]
            8 months ago

            SDF (Kurdish proxies for America) and Americans, which is why America recently shot down a Turkish drone above Syria.

            • da_gay_pussy_eatah [she/her]
              8 months ago

              that raises so many questions, are there any good sources that cover what's going on? I swear every time I try to learn about it everything seems so vague about which group believes/does what and who is actually fighting who.

              • zed_proclaimer [he/him]
                8 months ago

                Turkey is usually not fighting America directly, this is a weird escalation or miscommunication that happened. America is not apologizing and are saying the drone threatened US troops directly. Turkey is not apologizing, saying they are targeting PKK strongholds (who they have deemed terrorists). PKK is a Turkish Kurdish group with lots of ties to Syrian Kurds.


                This is certainly a wtf moment because previously all the major powers avoided touching each other.

                In Syria there is: Syrian government, Russia, Iran, Turkey, America, ISIS/Al Qaeda and the Kurds. Previously, everyone was attacking ISIS/Al Qaeda except for Turkey who was attacking the Kurds. ISIS/Al Qaeda targeted everyone except the Turks, and often freely moved back over the Turkish border to re-arm and re-supply.

                Syrian government invited Iran and Russia in to assist them, so those 3 are all on the same page. America inserted itself and refuses to leave, justifying it by saying they are doing counter terrorism and protecting their Kurdish Allies. Generally, nobody attacked Turkey directly except for the Kurds and sometimes Syria. Syria and the Kurds have a ceasefire agreement and usually don’t attack each other, but they are still illegally occupying Syrian land and hosting the enemy.