Feral hogs typically look very similiar to domestic hogs, but often times have more variation in color and coat pattern. Although color can vary between white, red, and brown for recently hogs that have recently gone feral, the most common color in established feral hog populations is black. This is probably because predators, even hunters, select for easily spotted animals. In addition, because feral hogs are often times active at night, black blends well.

A mature feral hog may reach a shoulder height of 32 to 38 inches and weigh from 100 pounds up 400 pounds. Male hogs, or boars, are generally larger than the females, or sows. Hogs that are very large in size are generally not far removed from domestication, meaning that individual, its parents, or grandparents were likely domestic hogs.

Wild hogs are omnivores, generally categorized as opportunistic feeders, and typically consume between 3% and 5% of their total body mass daily. They exhibit a generalist diet consuming a variety of food sources which allows them to thrive across a wide range of environments. Throughout their range their diet is mostly herbivorous, shifting seasonally and regionally among grasses, mast, shoots, roots, tubers, forbs, and cacti as resource availability changes

Wild hogs have been listed as one of the top 100 worst exotic invasive species in the world. In 2007, researchers estimated that each wild hog carried an associated (damage plus control) cost of $300 per year, and at an estimated 5 million wild pigs in the population at the time, Americans spent over $1.5 billion annually in damages and control costs. Assuming that the cost-per-wild hog estimate has remained constant, the annual costs associated with wild pigs in the United States are likely closer to $2.1 billion today.

Most damage caused by wild hogs is through either rooting or the direct consumption of plant and animal materials

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  • CommieElon [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Hi, so I’ve never drank or been to parties so I don’t really know what to do. My girlfriend got really really drunk. She’s complaining she’s cold, threw up a lot, and is pretty incoherent. I’m scared she has alcohol poisoning but we’re not in a place to call 9/11. What should I do?

    • redfromouterspace [he/him]
      3 years ago

      Stay with her through the night. Stop her from drinking any more alcohol. Try to get her to drink water or Gatorade. If she can eat, give her something bland like toast or plain rice. Look up "recovery position" - basically, let her rest on her side and stop her from rolling onto her back or stomach.

      Nobody here can tell you whether or not to call 911 now. But if she loses consciousness or has a seizure, you need to get her medical attention immediately.

      • CommieElon [he/him]
        3 years ago

        Should I eventually let her sleep? She also won’t take any water and threw up like three times.

    • adfsadfsadfsadf [none/use name]
      3 years ago

      Google - if you are at all serious.

      alcohol poisoning

      It's probably not that - because that's drinking almost to (or nearly to) the point of death. But she can choke on her own vomit when she's sleeping and die. That's how Jimi Hendrix died.

      • CommieElon [he/him]
        3 years ago

        I think she’s okay, going to try and get her to drink and have a little food.