• EthicalHumanMeat [he/him]
    4 years ago

    His point is that morality is relative, except for diversity, the logical conclusion of which is that libertarian behavior is fine. He doesn't say it outright, but he implies it in a "just asking questions" kind of way. Maybe he didn't even realize it, I dunno. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt, but that right there's an issue with at least his anprim outlook.

    I don't see the Marx connection. He used antisemitic language to make points but the points didn't lead to antisemitic concusions.

      • EthicalHumanMeat [he/him]
        4 years ago

        I don't really see how. Differences in sexual norms would just be another kind of diversity.

        And I feel like it would have been good to make that argument if you do believe so after bringing it up.

              • EthicalHumanMeat [he/him]
                4 years ago

                He's basically making a consequentialist argument in favor of diversity rather than utility. Whatever increases diversity overall is good, and whatever reduces it overall is bad. So it makes sense for Western civilization to be a net negative. I can see how killing would generally reduce diversity, since when you're dead you can't really do anything, except maybe when it conflicts with cultural practices involving killing.

                You'd have to make the case that that's also true of child molestation, but I don't see how that follows, and he doesn't make the case in this piece at least. And him personally thinking it's fine would be consistent with him using it as an example of moral relativity, and with his defense of preagricultural societies in general, plenty of whom didn't have a pedophilia taboo.

                If he thinks there are any other moral goods, he doesn't state what he thinks they are and his points about morality being relative would undermine them (just like they undermine his claim that diversity is a good tbh).

                  • EthicalHumanMeat [he/him]
                    4 years ago

                    Well, on the other hand trauma introduces all kinds of behaviors that nontrauamatized people generally don't do. Think of something like dissociative identity disorder: that could definitely qualify as diversity. The pscyhological experience of trauma is itself a diversity of experience. The condition of being traumatized is a kind of neurodiversity. And a wide range of differing sexual norms is definitely cultural diversity.

                    Killing's final, prevents the victim from ever doing anything again, but inflicting harm on someone else isn't necessarily.

                    It's really not a good framework for people who are anti-molesting children.