Libs will just say the numbers are made up. Or they'll ask for a racial breakdown to try to cry foul that way, and if you point out that a similar racial breakdown would also make the US look horrible they'll say you're a genocide denier.
We live in a post fact world
That's the typical retort I see nowadays whenever pointing out any stats about China to libs. Numbers all being made up is their last bastion now.
Hmmm I wonder why this is the case, surely it has nothing to do with socialism, surely
Isn't mensa some absolutely cringe techbro shit? Still outside of that this is great to see. Also goes against the myth women don't like tech.
Yeah, mensa is kinda cringe overall, but the fact that membership is evenly split in China is still a useful indicator that women are just as able as men when afforded equal opportunities.
Well not to go idpol but the fact it's over 50% women probably means the meetings are marginally less insufferable. I can picture the most annoying caricature Mensa nerds being intimidated into silence bc they baselessly think they're being spied on by les feminist SJWs.
El club se llama Mensa porque necesitas ser mensa para unir hehe
Based. You love to see it.
Liberals will most likely not believe this and spew out racists shit. As they do.
Most likely deep down libs just want a large pool of cheap exotic mail order brides who are subservient to them. More women having independent and fulfilling careers certainly doesn't help their "prospects".