• AntiOutsideAktion [he/him]
          1 year ago

          'the' english comprehension, is it?

          I called out each and every reactionary in this thread for exactly how they behave without fail and without fail you pulled the exact same shit I said you would. "Oh, you're going to tell me what I'm doing is wrong? Well now I'm going to do it more!"

          Baby brain.

          • Catradora_Stalinism [she/her, comrade/them]
            1 year ago

            I referred to it in a way where 'the' could work in the sentence. And even so, doesn't seem anything will help you actually know what i'm actually saying.

            I never said I was going to do it more?

            Im sorry for not being the cookie cutter reactionary you get to 'dunk on', stop making a bonfire out of a matchstick. I agree with vegetarianism in its entirety, and veganism, but I can't be bothered to care about 'morals' that you gave to yourself to look better. There are parts of this ultraism that no animal liberationist or whatever have ever given a real answer to. Its pure ideology.

            • AntiOutsideAktion [he/him]
              1 year ago

              And even so, doesn't seem anything will help you actually know what i'm actually saying.

              smuglord oh please do go on. Maybe you'll make me not want to do the bad thing when you tell me not to do the bad thing

              I never said I was going to do it more?

              smuglord smuglord smuglord smuglord smuglord

              Im sorry for not being the cookie cutter reactionary

              Yes you are. I described exactly what you are and you are exactly what I described. You did the thing. Stop being a redditor and arguing about it. Self crit or shut the fuck up. Stop turning the argument about murdering, torturing and raping 100's of millions of animals a year into "how dare you say something about me that I carefully worded my bullshit to avoid accountability for"

              Like I'm supposed to not call someone a white supremacist because they studiously avoid saying the n-word in that moment.

              • Catradora_Stalinism [she/her, comrade/them]
                1 year ago

                oh please do go on. Maybe you'll make me not want to do the bad thing when you tell me not to do the bad thing

                Huh? Im not even concern trolling I don't understand how you could get to this.

                I never said I was going to do it more?

                The Hexbear tendency to post emojis instead of a response strikes again.

                Yes you are. I described exactly what you are and you are exactly what I described. You did the thing. Stop being a redditor and arguing about it. Self crit or shut the fuck up.


                what thing?

                cite where I did the thing? You were talking about how im going to keep doing it, but I never said I had a carnist diet. Mine is vegetarian. Its really fuckin funny you just go for the low effort 'owns'.

                god why am I fine one second but now a terrible reactionary for fuckin food all of a sudden. Its silly, really. I started with a little non-confrontationist comment and you proceeded to go all 'holier-than-thou' like some twitter lib.

                I self crit, conceded, but am unconvinced on some of the finer points. I agree with the ending of meat culture and transitioning to a vegan society, take that and go, leave the silly fake morality behind. Ya really give the "hate the hillbillies for their savagery" vibe lol.

                • AntiOutsideAktion [he/him]
                  1 year ago

                  god why am I fine one second but now a terrible reactionary for fuckin food all of a sudden

                  The part where you react to someone criticizing you for your actions and beliefs by doubling down on them and sneering at the criticism in the first place as illegitimate. That thing.

                  You were talking about how im going to keep doing it, but I never said I had a carnist diet.


                  Ya really give the "hate the hillbillies for their savagery" vibe lol.

                  Just because you have zero ability for self perception doesn't mean that I haven't been citing you doing this shit in every reply I've sent. Every single one.

                  The Hexbear tendency to post emojis instead of a response strikes again.


                  And speaking of fucking reading comprehension. I gave you the emojis but I also gave you a paragraph saying why. I can't deal with your level of bullshit right now.

                  • Catradora_Stalinism [she/her, comrade/them]
                    1 year ago

                    GO BACK TO REDDIT

                    thanks wow i guess being on hexbear for 1 year and lemmygrad on 2 doesn't matter when im so morally repugnant, please enlighten such a poor infidel, maybe your words can give me salvation.


                    never said that. Do I get to say strawman, or did mom say its your turn on the funny words.

                    Just because you have zero ability for self perception doesn't mean that I haven't been citing you doing this shit in every reply I've sent. Every single one.

                    make an enemy out of me all you want, still doesn't manifest it into reality.

                    I agreed with your opinions, you just decided that it wasn't enough. I got annoyed when you just took a shit trying to explain how 'superior' you were. Quoting and posting an emoji does not an argument make.

                    The part where you react to someone criticizing you for your actions and beliefs by doubling down on them and sneering at the criticism in the first place as illegitimate. That thing.

                    honestly what fuckin actions. Im a vegitarian. Did you assume I was some McDonalds fanatic because I was annoyed with you? You have no 'proof' you're just being an asshole.

                    • AntiOutsideAktion [he/him]
                      1 year ago

                      honestly what fuckin actions

                      I'm so fucking sick of explicitly telling you what my problem is and then you pretending to not to have heard it so you can be mockingly obtuse like this. I'm so fucking sick of quoting you saying a thing and then you getting pissed off at me for accusing you of 'thing' without saying what 'thing' was. I'm so fucking sick of you being an asshole and then pulling the mock victim shit like I'm supposed to be fucking evil and unreasonable because I point out an offense.

                      Did you assume I was some McDonalds fanatic because I was annoyed with you?

                      No. I fucking quoted you and referenced your point every fucking time I opened my fucking mouth. I'm done. I don't give a fucking shit what you profess to be. I care what you fucking said in the first place. I'm not spying on you in your home. I'm responding to you on a forum.

                      • Catradora_Stalinism [she/her, comrade/them]
                        1 year ago

                        No. I fucking quoted you and referenced your point every fucking time I opened my fucking mouth. I'm done. I don't give a fucking shit what you profess to be. I care what you fucking said in the first place. I'm not spying on you in your home. I'm responding to you on a forum.

                        what you were doing is quoting me and then jumping to conclusions, don't act like you're special. like where did that last sentence even come from? Im completely genuine in my confusion on how the hell you got there. What does spying have anything to do with assuming things about me?

                        I'm so fucking sick of explicitly telling you what my problem is and then you pretending to not to have heard it so you can be mockingly obtuse like this. I'm so fucking sick of quoting you saying a thing and then you getting pissed off at me for accusing you of 'thing' without saying what 'thing' was. I'm so fucking sick of you being an asshole and then pulling the mock victim shit like I'm supposed to be fucking evil and unreasonable because I point out an offense.

                        Oh I heard your points, its the fact that they weren't grounded in reality that I had a problem with. Get over your fucking self. Saying what 'thing' was? You're the one who fucking brought it up?! Are you fucking kidding me? all you said was "Oh, you're going to tell me what I'm doing is wrong? Well now I'm going to do it more!" in different ways like some fucking mantra. Please actually have a cohesive argument and not be depending on your righteous indignation to get you through the argument. its like dealing with a fucking toddler.

                        Who was the one who went on some unwanted rant after a one and done statement. All I said is that the struggle session has been brewing, then you had to shit your manifesto all over my salad.

                        okay unreasonable? yeah. Evil? no. You really want to talk about doing the mock victim routine, because pulling shit out of your ass to get some sympathy seems to be a textbook version of that. Also again, what fucking offense? Did I condemn veganism? Did I side with carnism? Did I do anything besides not care about your ultraism? Get over yourself.

                  • Catradora_Stalinism [she/her, comrade/them]
                    1 year ago

                    you fucking modified the goddamn comment?! What the fuck?

                    Are you seriously being this fucking dogshit about something barely worth discussing? Fuck off, who cares!