I like shiny things

    • ciaplant667 [he/him,fae/faer]
      3 years ago

      “Alchemy was (and is) considerably more than an attempt to turn lead into gold. To an alchemist, all material things ripen toward perfection unless something gets in the way. The alchemist’s mission is to remove the obstacles that keep material things from attaining their perfection. For metals, that perfection is gold; for the human body, health; for the human spirit, union with the divine- and all these and many more are appropriate goals for alchemical work.”

  • Wmill [he/him,use name]
    3 years ago

    Weird question and you don't have to answer but does it have that new book smell? Also how crisp are the pages?

    • ciaplant667 [he/him,fae/faer]
      3 years ago

      It has a kinda unique new book smell. And them pages are damn crisp, and have a really nice matte texture.