Ones you have used, ones you are using, or ones you just have.

Human "Barbarian" Paladin of Bahamut:
Basically saw a dragon once and become obsessed with how strong they were and fell assbackwards into worshiping Bahamut.

Elderly Tiefling Wizard:
Up for anything, basically doesn't give a shit anymore, just wants to do illusion magic and parlour tricks and maybe help a few people if they can.

AMAB Enby Devil-Cleric:
Self-serving, sugardaddy is Asmodeus, or some other devil, they made a pact with in exchange for hrt and magic powers.

  • quartz242 [she/her]
    3 years ago

    a wizard whose body was switched with his master's during a summoning ritual gone wrong, so outwardly an elderly man but inside a young one in pursuit of some magic to reverse the curse.

    A half-orc warrior displaced from his tribe that stumbles onto a nature spirit's grove and rededicates to a steward of the land. Warrior/Druid multiclass.

    A haughty elf noble woman who is the unlucky 1 in 100 family members who manifest as a sorcerer due to a hag's curse from 1000 years ago and is forced out of her noble house and pursues a life of adventure to find new purpose.

    A halfling swashbuckler that activated a mirror ,imprisoning a devil, when she is looting a captured ship with her crew, the devil once freed makes a pact with her before devouring the other pirates leaving her alone and on a new path. Swashbuckler/Warlock multiclass.

    A dwarf ranger, generations of family are the clan's exterminators but this fellow has gotten the itch to travel seeking out new and more dangerous vermin to expand his families knowledge and techniques of extermination. Has a hard time sleeping on anything other than solid rock.

    A halfling bard, but he channels his bardic energy by reciting embellished anecdotes from his quaint hillside village most of which are to the effect of "One time my good friend and cousin was trying to beat me in a turnup harvesting race but he didn't account for the mud and slipped right on his bum the very first turnip giving me an insurmountable lead."

    I sometimes get D&D and Pathfinder mixed up but the character concept should be able to translate easily