What's with people saying they want to live in North Korea? Dictatorships aren't "based" dude. They give lefties a bad rep. Edit: Sorry y'all, I was a bit rude earlier. I had a bad day yesterday and I was a bit mean. Tbh I probably should have phrased my post a bit differently. So basically, can someone who is a "tankie" explain the ideology a bit? I really don't know much about it, and I suppose my gut anarchist feelings were a bit hostile to any sort of authority. Thanks in advance!

    • wtypstanaccount04 [he/him]
      3 years ago

      That falls to Reddit. GenZedong is like that, and the best example of this phenomenon is when the head mod of r/genzanarchist decided to make the sub tankie because she changed her views. Some of the most online bullshit I've ever seen.