What's with people saying they want to live in North Korea? Dictatorships aren't "based" dude. They give lefties a bad rep. Edit: Sorry y'all, I was a bit rude earlier. I had a bad day yesterday and I was a bit mean. Tbh I probably should have phrased my post a bit differently. So basically, can someone who is a "tankie" explain the ideology a bit? I really don't know much about it, and I suppose my gut anarchist feelings were a bit hostile to any sort of authority. Thanks in advance!

    • late90smullbowl [they/them]
      4 years ago

      you need to understand that {insert_bogeyman_here} has developed the way it has due to the unrelenting attacks of the imperial core.

      Kind of off topic, but trying to get this message across to everyone around you is the mission imo.

      e: ohfuck, didn't realize this was the anachism comm.

  • ABigguhPizzahPieh [none/use name,any]
    4 years ago

    This post isn't about defending DPRK or China or whoever but looking at why you think that it makes you "look bad." As if the right was ready to embrace socialism before they got spooked by the Russian revolution.

    Conservatives and liberals who hate the left feel absolutely zero shame about atrocities that they are up to their neck in. Which lib or conservative hand wrings about how they would support America if not for the half dozen on going wars around the world, or the coups, or the war crimes, or the poverty, etc, etc, etc. You can't just wash your hands of dealing with tough problems. Does the current state of the DPRK embarrass you more than the fact that the US levelled that entire country back to the stone age during the invasion of Korea and then slapped sanctions (ie. Siege) on it?

    I'd like to point out to americans that a couple of decades of a meh economy produced Trump, and yet most third world countries are in a constant state of distress thanks to western capital and yet they don't erupt into insanity.

  • TheaJo [she/her,comrade/them]
    4 years ago

    We do it as a counter to the insane shit heap of propaganda we recieve every day, something I hope you recognize you are spreading right now. Although I agree the DPRK isn't a shining utopia, it likely doesn't fit into whatever nebulous definition you are using for the word dictatorship (also don't call it North Korea, that's like calling the East Coast East America, it doesn't make sense)

  • wizzyrodhamrobe [it/its]
    4 years ago

    Teenage bougie MLS be teenaged bougie mls

    This is mostly unfair and mods can remove this if they want, but the ml teenager to anarchist adult trend was a stereotype for ages

    • wtypstanaccount04 [he/him]
      4 years ago

      That falls to Reddit. GenZedong is like that, and the best example of this phenomenon is when the head mod of r/genzanarchist decided to make the sub tankie because she changed her views. Some of the most online bullshit I've ever seen.

  • ongo [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    what do you mean? their flag is red....? Their aesthetics are socialist, so they must be good, they would love and value my gender-queer, overweight, unskilled labor.

  • Dyno [he/him]M
    4 years ago

    You remember how 4chan plotted that dumb social gaslighting scheme to make people more fash by posing as former leftists or liberals online and claiming that 'multiculturalism, feminism, pronouns' made them more right wing, and that the aim was to normalise the transition so people would more readily slide into reaction?

    I get the same shitty feeling dealing with (some) MLs online: this often touted claim that they used to be anarchists but then they 'grew up' and read the holy scripture and whatever the fuck. All the while chanting 'left unity', but continuing to denigrate and undermine us in this insidious little way. Fact is, if you thought you were an anarchist and reading a little bit of Lenin or Mao was all it took to sway you, you were never an anarchist.

    Obviously people's understandings can change over time and with experience, but I would advise you keep an eye out, because whenever you see someone say something like 'I used to be anarchist/libsoc. etc.' it's almost always against a backdrop of criticism of their ideas.

  • sailor_redstar [she/her]
    4 years ago

    For people saying they'd want to live there, it's probably like a form of escapism. A similar idea would be the desire to go off into the countryside and live in a commune as a subsistence farmer - anything is better than the hellscape we live in. Living in a failed state is pretty depressing, and this site itself if fairly doomer. I'd argue that part of the solution to this is revolutionary optimism. We don't just want to flee to or meet the examples provided by AES, we want to learn from their mistakes and improve within our own movements.

  • Ryan_Holman [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Honestly, I think most of it is ironic.

    Also, I think there is a distinction between saying "North Korea should not be nuked back to the stone age" and "North Korea can do no wrong and the Kim family are our God Emperors".

  • ThomasMuentzner [he/him, comrade/them]
    4 years ago

    My theory: The first Brick we need for our consruct :

    Identity in America is if you think about it , the most insane "identity" one can have on this earth.

    One the 1 Hand : You are American !: Superpower / Dominant Entertaiment Culture / Richest Nation /Dominant in all Technologies / Insane Military Paper Might... and all the other Imperial Splendor of your Might!

    One The Other Hand: You are American ! , you get fucking nothing of this splendor at all , you get fucking non, not even Insulin...Not even Drinking Water... No Laws to Protect you....No dignty to hold you.....fucking Nothing....Nada... You have no might at all ,nothing . You simply recevie instruction.

    Therfore American Identity in a real life sense is the Lowest of the Low, Where is life is less valued then the American life anywhere in the first world . We have therefore 2 extreme Positions that can not be put into relation which each other . They are opposite of each other. As Identity is what you Imaging yourself to be the American has now to choices. He either accepts the you get nothing ! Identity . Or he can simply Imaginge himself to be somehow "In Charge" of all these Imperial Splendor and might.

    And of course everybody prefers to see himself as the Mighty one. Not as a Lifeform that is so little valued by his peers that they would not even give you insulin if you cant effort it (even if the Patent of insuline is free) -> nobody likes to imaging itself as this.

    So you retreat to the Imperial Splendor and simply imaging yourself as having influence over it. But deep down you Know ! everybody knows ! So this "American" Identity will not cut it. Its the most hollow thing.. You need something else... you need something to finaly ground yourself , to final find out your "Value".

    So a new road opens up.... If you can not figure out the value of yourself or "the American" , what else can you do to put yourself and your self Value on solid ground ? Other People of course , You judge other people, and you argue with other people !

    (Disclaimer : I dont actually mean argue in a interlectual sense , i mean argue about who is higher because more witty , more informed ..etc.. like dogs fighting for domiance ) Its the only thing left to ground yourself "I am Better then X (which is Another American ) "

    Your comment is just another dog fighting for his place in the Dog park , No where is there inclination of doubt , nowhere is there indication of a reflection of your own intiall position:

    Its just :" Hey Dummy living in North Korea is Bad , DUde ... Dictatorships are not "BASED" , you stupid or something ?"

    You are here to dominate or to learn ?