What's with people saying they want to live in North Korea? Dictatorships aren't "based" dude. They give lefties a bad rep. Edit: Sorry y'all, I was a bit rude earlier. I had a bad day yesterday and I was a bit mean. Tbh I probably should have phrased my post a bit differently. So basically, can someone who is a "tankie" explain the ideology a bit? I really don't know much about it, and I suppose my gut anarchist feelings were a bit hostile to any sort of authority. Thanks in advance!

  • ThomasMuentzner [he/him, comrade/them]
    3 years ago

    My theory: The first Brick we need for our consruct :

    Identity in America is if you think about it , the most insane "identity" one can have on this earth.

    One the 1 Hand : You are American !: Superpower / Dominant Entertaiment Culture / Richest Nation /Dominant in all Technologies / Insane Military Paper Might... and all the other Imperial Splendor of your Might!

    One The Other Hand: You are American ! , you get fucking nothing of this splendor at all , you get fucking non, not even Insulin...Not even Drinking Water... No Laws to Protect you....No dignty to hold you.....fucking Nothing....Nada... You have no might at all ,nothing . You simply recevie instruction.

    Therfore American Identity in a real life sense is the Lowest of the Low, Where is life is less valued then the American life anywhere in the first world . We have therefore 2 extreme Positions that can not be put into relation which each other . They are opposite of each other. As Identity is what you Imaging yourself to be the American has now to choices. He either accepts the you get nothing ! Identity . Or he can simply Imaginge himself to be somehow "In Charge" of all these Imperial Splendor and might.

    And of course everybody prefers to see himself as the Mighty one. Not as a Lifeform that is so little valued by his peers that they would not even give you insulin if you cant effort it (even if the Patent of insuline is free) -> nobody likes to imaging itself as this.

    So you retreat to the Imperial Splendor and simply imaging yourself as having influence over it. But deep down you Know ! everybody knows ! So this "American" Identity will not cut it. Its the most hollow thing.. You need something else... you need something to finaly ground yourself , to final find out your "Value".

    So a new road opens up.... If you can not figure out the value of yourself or "the American" , what else can you do to put yourself and your self Value on solid ground ? Other People of course , You judge other people, and you argue with other people !

    (Disclaimer : I dont actually mean argue in a interlectual sense , i mean argue about who is higher because more witty , more informed ..etc.. like dogs fighting for domiance ) Its the only thing left to ground yourself "I am Better then X (which is Another American ) "

    Your comment is just another dog fighting for his place in the Dog park , No where is there inclination of doubt , nowhere is there indication of a reflection of your own intiall position:

    Its just :" Hey Dummy living in North Korea is Bad , DUde ... Dictatorships are not "BASED" , you stupid or something ?"

    You are here to dominate or to learn ?