So, I was diagnosed with Asperger's at age 6, but for a while now I've suspected that I probably also have ADHD. I was wondering how many of you can relate to this specific experience I have, and which of the two disorders (or both) you have.

I have a lot of small passions, things I know a lot about and can really get into. Some examples of these are vintage computers, old versions of Minecraft, the Civilization series, typewriters, twisty puzzles, analog media formats, D&D, etc. I've heard this phenomenon referred to as "microfixation," and I think this applies well. I'm usually only primarily fixated on one of these until something in my life reminds me of another one and I transition to the next microfixation for a few weeks to a few months. Occasionally I pick up a new microfixation, but usually I go back to things that have interested me in the past.

Is this characteristic of ADHD, autism, or both?

  • Abraxiel
    4 years ago

    Yeah, I know that experience.

    But I kind of think it's a characteristic that's very common in humans, period.