Thank you very much! Know that I really appreciate your help, even if I can't Thank you individually!

  • Maaj [he/him]
    1 year ago

    To get off of alcohol, I sat in the house and smoked pot heavily for a month. To get off of weed I just stopped. To get off of nicotine I smoked CBD weed heavily for a week and then stopped smoking weed again. I smoked regular weed on for a random week because I found out CBD could cause false positives for THC on a drug test, then I quit again.

    Alcohol free: 306 days

    Weed free: 25 days

    Nicotine free: 50 days

      1 year ago

      So you're saying that weed is a solution to evrry addiction. Nice.

      Jk lol congratulation on your beinf drug free!

      • Maaj [he/him]
        1 year ago

        Lol, thank you! Alcohol was the worst one to get off of, nicotine being a close second.

  • thisonethatone [he/him]
    1 year ago

    Had a really bad weed addiction (yes I know it's psychological but imo it was harder than quitting cigarettes)

    Whenever I tried to quit I wouldn't be able to sleep for up to 3 days at a time. If I got past that I could be clean for a month or two before caving and falling back into weed usage.

    Turns out I had really bad OCD and PTSD and zero serotonin (thus, no sleep). I got put on Lexapro and the obsessions were 90% better after that, and the weed usage has gone from daily to once every few months, with friends. The hard part has been adjusting, and developing, a new lifestyle and hobbies to replace the drug use. I also have Been grieving the decade I lost to addiction and trauma.

    My tips: addiction is a response to something else going on. It's not laziness, it's not lack of willpower, it's not because you are a monster. It might be due to covering up pain, or because you're self medicating and don't realize it. Be kind to yourself, because the world is unnecessarily shitty to addicts.

    1 year ago

    Stopping was the easy part, I drank myself into liver/kidney failure. I’ve stayed sober one day at a time.

    Getting counseling, a psychological evaluation and a prescription for my anxiety helped me learn about the root cause of my drinking and how to manage it in a healthy way.