:pog-dolphin: :hex-moon: :vegan-edge:
This is the place where you can chat, debate, and ask questions of your local lefty vegans.
Vegan diet why's and how's
- Health and safety: A well-planned vegan diet is healthy at every life stage, including pregnancy and infancy, and may provide health benefits for the prevention and treatment of certain diseases
- Worried about protein, calcium, B12, or other nutrients? Here's an evidence-based intro to vegan nutrition
- Environmental impact and climate change: What you eat matters more than where it comes from
- Do it for the animals, not for you: Being an ethical vegan may help you stay vegan longer
- Dominion (CW)
- Earthlings (CW)
:im-vegan: and invasive species are also something I'm not too sure about because everything I've learned in ecology is very pro killing invasive species. But on the other hand, I genuinely don't know if more human intervention is going to solve invasive species problems or just make it worse by being mishandled. Way back in the discord days someone posted a good resource on integrating invasive species into the environment I'll see if I can find it again somewhere.
I'd definitely be interested in that