Especially the campaigns, and especially how certain characters and moments are presented in the campaigns.

It's like right on the borderline of being a chuddy glorification of the military and being an absolute pisstake of things that chuddily glorify the military, and I genuinely can't work out which way it's trying to go with it.

  • LeninsRage [he/him]
    3 years ago

    MW3 was even more absurd in that it portrayed Makarov as a terrorist unaffiliated with the Russian government, that the Good Russian President actually wanted to make peace, but also the Russian Army was launching a massive simultaneous invasion of every major city in Western Europe preluded by chemical weapons attacks staged by Makarov's terrorists.

    Basically they kept doubling down on the plot making absolutely no logical sense. The plot became the filler that linked together a series of Cool Setpieces.