Are there any good tools for listing your current programs, maybe exporting settings etc. Listing hidden settings and save locations would be great too.

I'm about 90% ready to switch to Linux full time, and I want to make sure that I've got everything. I've got a horrible feeling that I'm missing something, but I can't think what it might be.

EDIT: Ironically, I forgot to mention my ADHD / memory issues. I could do with a tool like this because I forget about anything that I'm not currently using, or actively thinking about using soon >.<

    11 months ago

    Note down every tool you use in windows and use to find linux alternatives for them. Thats what I did, saved me what you are going through. Everytime I tried to switch usinf a sifferent method I just ended up using Windows to not deal with the "pain point" of switching

      11 months ago

      I'm about to update my post. Ironically, I forgot to mention my ADHD / memory issues.

      I find that I focus on one 'task' for a while, like photo editing or programming, and forget about the other software I use. I might be on a streak with something today, and completely forget about what I was doing last week.