But I'd definitely say it's up there, like "Top 20 Ace Vids" list for sure, not that such a list exists, and also his name isn't actually Ace, it's Phil apparently, but I think most people came to know him as Ace Watkins, remember he was running for "Gamer President". Well not literally running, he's not a jogger, to my knowledge, I mean maybe he jogs, but obviously the presidential race isn't a literal race, I mean we all know Biden can't run haha! Uhhh, but yeah no this video is pretty funny, at least I think so, if you don't think it's funny that's fine, I guess, I mean maybe don't be mean about it, just like you know don't watch it again. I thought it was pretty funny and wanted to share it with y'all but if you don't have time to watch it I'll understand.
It's because they're Gamerphobic