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  • Dialectical
    2 years ago

    Das Kapital. Don’t get me wrong a lot of the times it’s boring and its long af but after some parts you truly feel enlightened.

      2 years ago

      Book 1 is absolute banger. Book 2 is much worse read and i don't think really very useful for political activity and propaganda since it's mainly about capital circulation. Book 3 is very useful again.

  • DankZedong
    2 years ago

    It's a bit of a standard book in marxist circles these days, but Blackshirts and Reds by Parenti made me slap my table like I was in a Carribean dance hall group

    Absolute must read in my opinion.

    Also, Lenins work on revolution

      2 years ago

      Also "Democracy for the few" by Parentl - really opens your eyes on how the US system operates, especially for non americans being feed the US propaganda daily.

    2 years ago

    Lenin's "Materialism and Empiriocriticism". Before i was greatly confused about materialism and idealism, since philosophy is not realy my field of interest nor experience, and he as usual explained it very clearly. I recomment to read it even before Marx & Engels pieces on philosophy.