• EatATaco@lemm.ee
    11 months ago

    Dems had multiple opportunities in the nearly 50 years Roe was active where they had control of both chambers of congress and the presidency, in which they could have easily enshrined abortion rights into law. Likewise for abolishing the filibuster. Why haven’t they?

    Maybe should have. But what are you trying to prove here? They could have also teamed up with Republicans to outlaw abortion, but they didn't. They've done plenty to show their support for pro-choice, especially at the state level. If they were "the same" here, then abortion would easily be illegal everywhere.

    You said the entire diagram was “dishonest cherry picking,” yet

    No I didn't. I demonstrated why it was BS cherry picking by pointing out a glaring and important omission.

    Why should anyone bother responding to you if you’re going to ignore everything they say and just repeat the same points over and over again after they’ve been rebutted?

    You are mad at me for not moving with the goal posts. This went from 'they are both the same and democrats just pay lip service to the environment!" to "well, I don't think they've done enough!" I can agree with the latter, but they are still doing things. They are still showing some effort. They are still moving in the right direction. Republicans are still denying everything.

    So all the points in the middle of the diagram just aren’t important? The fact that both parties only serve capital doesn’t matter to you? Both parties rubber stamping endless defense budget increases while healthcare crumbles is insignificant? Both parties providing full, unconditional support and funding to a genocidal apartheid state doesn’t matter because the bloo team did a single bill promising to reduce carbon emissions by a little bit (then completely negated it by opening up more oil drilling)?

    LOL. You're basically just outright admitting how weak your position by the fact that you feel the need to put words in my mouth. The argument is that they are the same. I've already made clear I understand that in some ways they are the same. I'll even add in some ways I strongly disagree with the way they are the same. So the fact that they are the same on some issues doesn't change the fact that they are not the same. This isn't difficult position to understand.

    and don’t fucking go on about “but the environment” again unless you have something new to say that hasn’t already been rebutted

    I said environment, you pretend that it was just climate change. I pointed out that they passed a bill with a large focus on climate change. You just whine it doesn't count. I cited an article that you just blatantly ignored. lol, my man, you've rebutted nothing.

    • Rom [he/him]
      11 months ago

      They've done plenty to show their support for pro-choice

      Except for actually enshrining it into law, which, you know, would have been the most supportive thing they could have done, given that their whole jobs are to make laws. Spoiler alert: they don't want to because it's a useful wedge issue for them.

      No I didn't. I demonstrated why it was BS cherry picking by pointing out a glaring and important omission.

      Which I've rebutted, multiple times, and you still haven't responded to. How many times has the Biden offshore drilling expansion been brought up? Three, four times now?

      They are still moving in the right direction


      Read the fucking article already. It is a direct rebuttal to your "well at least Democrats are trying" argument and it's been brought up multiple times now. If you're not going to bother responding to it I'm just going to tell you to shut the fuck up. The end results of the Dem's baby steps in the "right direction" and GOP's complete climate inaction is the same: complete environmental collapse. Yes, Dems are doing something rather than nothing, congratulations. But when it means an unlivable hellscape in 21 years instead of 20 years, don't act shocked when people compare the two parties and find the fundamental differences lacking.

      You are mad at me for not moving with the goal posts

      The goal posts are exactly where they started, you've just failed to comprehend the points being made. Or just blatantly ignored them.

      The argument is that they are the same

      As I've already explained to you, "both parties are the same" means "both parties serve capital." It does not mean "both parties are literally exactly the same with no differences whatsoever." Are you that baby brained that you are unable to grasp this very simple concept? You keep acting smugly superior because "well bloo team did this one thing that red team didn't do, therefore they aren't literally exactly the same thing, checkmate smuglord" like my god, I actually clarified this a few comments up. Stop assuming what other people are saying and listen to what they're saying.

      I said environment, you pretend that it was just climate change. I pointed out that they passed a bill with a large focus on climate change. You just whine it doesn't count. I cited an article that you just blatantly ignored. lol, my man, you've rebutted nothing.

      Yes I read your article. "A growing number of blue states are adopting sweeping new climate laws — such as New York’s bill, passed this week, to zero out net greenhouse gas emissions by 2050" wow great job, they're planning to zero emissions long after the planet has already been destroyed, amazing, totally doesn't support my point that the shit Democrats are doing isn't going to result in meaningful results that are any different from the GOP's plan of nothing at all.

      You just whine it doesn't count

      I pointed out that it will not result in anything substantial, especially considering the other actions they've taken. If neither party will ever stand up to capital and the end result is in all scenarios is the planet being turned into an uninhabitable hellscape, why should anyone treat them differently?