Thinking about getting into an exercise routine to help me quit smoking and help with my hypoglycemia which is starting to get noticeable and I was thinking about this martial art. Figure if seniors can do it it'd be about my level being out of shape as I am. I used to do some very casual martial arts and sparing when I was part of a club in college so I'm not totally a novice.

What do you think, if you do it what's it like?

  • AlpineSteakHouse [any]
    11 months ago

    I've done Qigong which is kinda similar but more woo and less exercise.

    You do a bunch of gentle postures/stretches and its very relaxing. Over a long enough period of time, you'll build up some muscle coordination but probably not a large amount of strength. It's a good starting point if you want to ease into working out but outside of relaxation and gentle exercise its kinda meh.

    I do it mostly for spiritual stuff though so ymmv.