Donald Trump gave another cognitively impaired, unhinged speech to a small gathering in New Hampshire today after signing paperwork to officially enter their primary.

Trump claimed that the leader of Hungary Victor Orban was in charge of Turkey, forgot the reason why FDR was in a wheelchair, compared himself to Nelson Mandela, said he would ban people from entering the country who disagreed with Christianity, he then mused about what he wants to do to President Biden...

    8 months ago

    "I'd hit him right in that fake nose. He'd have plastic lying all over the floor," Trump said, while standing there with lifts in his shoes, five different hair transplants, a girdle, and three layers of bronzer makeup.

  • GarbageShoot [he/him]
    8 months ago

    The two geriatric bastards in a ring is a much better reality than what we have, which is those same geriatric bastards putting on a comically overblown "good cop, bad cop" routine as kabuki theater in place of substantial democratic control of the government.

    8 months ago

    Another perspective.

    What was left of Donald Trump’s cognitive state appears to have been finally, fully shattered by the plea deals that Sidney Powell and Kenneth Chesebro have cut against him. Trump is attempting to put on a brave face in public today, but so far he’s said he’s going to prison like Nelson Mandela, and gotten distracted by the spelling of a two letter word.

    His handlers sent him out there to portray himself as a political candidate and distract everyone from the fact that he’s a criminal defendant. So what did Trump do? Talked about how he’s going to prison, shared his fantasies about personal violence, and then got lost in a conspiracy about the President having a fake nose.

    Keep talking, Donald. Sooner or later the media is going to have to admit that you’re completely senile – and that’s going to put an end to your political relevance even quicker than your criminal trials can.

      8 months ago

      I was wondering that too. Never heard any MAGA types talking about Biden's nose before. I have to say I find it amusing that the Orange Child is exhibiting his fixation on certain bits of Biden's anatomy and expressing a strong desire to put his hands thereon. Homonasal desires today; tomorrow ...?

      • GarbageShoot [he/him]
        8 months ago

        What is it with liberals and leaping immediately to homophobic tropes?

      • isame [he/him]
        8 months ago

        Homonasal Desires is a great band name.