On the other place I constantly saw memes of shows that I thought ‘well if they’re that popular they must be pretty good’

Shows like:

Avatar, The Office, Parks and Rec and IT Crowd

I’ve watched them and I just don’t get it. They aren’t so amazing that they are worth that level of adoration IMO. Avatar has its good spots and Parks and Rec is pretty enjoyable but I cringe at American office and IT crowd is forgettable.

However a show I actually really like, Community, only started getting the same type of treatment after the pandemic because people watched it on Netflix. Although it’s still not as popular as these others. Are people just really basic or am I out of touch?

Anyway, what show did you watch and think ‘I don’t get what the fuss is about’? Maybe it was Community?

  • Call me Lenny/Leni@lemm.ee
    11 months ago

    Futurama. I know it's supposed to be "a parody" of the future rather than a representation of it, but there are times it just feels like one big PSA. It doesn't age well at all, and the new season will age even worse, to the point where any child a decade from now is going to know what kind of people watched it, such as with its views on theology and politics which are trademark 90's views.

    It makes it even more annoying when some world event happens and people are like "Futurama predicted this" as if the show is a kind of scripture, such as the show predicting that robosexual marriage would become a thing. It's like, I don't know, science fiction was made to predict and give ideas to science?