:vegan-edge: :vegan-liberation-rad: :vegan-seitan: :vegan-tofu: :vegan-v:

This is the place where you can chat, debate, and ask questions of your local lefty vegans.

Vegan diet why's and how's


  • save_vs_death [they/them]
    3 years ago

    What's your take on pet ownership? I find that talking people into (and even nominally agreeing, even though that might not translate into them changing anything about their diet) the benefits of a plant-based diet is indeed getting easier as time goes by. Hell, some of them just realize they can basically use the nearest meat substitute with minimal change and effort on their part. The major wall I am seeing is in the "total" bit of "total animal liberation".

    • emily [she/her,they/them]
      3 years ago

      so it's three days too late, but this is kind of split in the vegan community, tbh. a lot of people ideologically believe that domesticating animals for our own gain is fucked, and it's hard to disagree with that when you think about it. that said, I'm a little more open to it, especially considering that most dogs and cats will be either adopted anyway or sent to a kill-shelter. the big absolute "no" is buying animals from puppy mills or places who source from puppy mills. those places can't profit or continue to run if we don't give them monetary support.

    • lohs [she/her]
      3 years ago

      Owning a pet you care for and do not exploit is pretty low on the priority list of eliminating suffering of sentient beings.

      Ultimately it's wrong to take a species that requires miles of range and keep them in an enclosure only a few hundred square feet like a home.

      • save_vs_death [they/them]
        3 years ago

        I do agree that the amount of suffering you're giving your pet is, if all goes well, very low compared to what animals have to endure in other places. That's incontestable. So all in all I would say the conversation is lower-stakes than other parts of being vegan. I'm not convinced that bringing more pets into the world is a good idea, and outside of taking care of strays I find it very hard to empathize with people on the subject.

        • lohs [she/her]
          3 years ago

          It's also a very hard way to win people over, similar to the argument about outdoor cats.

          People love their pets FAR more than they love eating meat. And being told that them owning an animal makes them a bad person is a very good way to make people absolutely hate you.

          There's also a good argument for when people are close to non-human animals, their empathy for them grows. I've converted a lot of people just by making the "you wouldn't exploit your dog for milk, or kill your cat for meat" argument on an appeal to pathos.