Former democratic party activists are organizing Muslims and Arab-Americans in Swing states to vote against Biden with the demand that he support a ceasefire in Gaza.

I'll allow them a little bit of electoralism this time.

  • synae[he/him]
    8 months ago

    Maybe this is a disconnect in the conversation. It'm not considering this at the expense of other actions -- I am very much in favor of other activities besides voting as well; I am not saying voting is the silver bullet to bring us all to a just society.

    We probably have other disagreements as to what those other activities are or should be (...we probably have a few agreements too!). In this conversation I am specifically trying to understand the rejection of voting. Though as you pointed out elsewhere, it is not all-encompassing, often only in regards to the establishment parties.

    BTW as I'm trying to give all comments the attention they deserve I see you all over the thread and have replied to you a few times already (and probably some more I haven't gotten around to yet!). Thank you for participating and trying to help me understand better.

    • GarbageShoot [he/him]
      8 months ago

      I am probably being inadequately explicit at some points. Voting unconditionally for the Democrats definitionally comes at the expense of extracting concessions from them by withholding your vote from them on some grounds (e.g. reversing their stance on Palestine). To support the Dems on the basis of lesser-evilism is to directly undermine any possibility of getting something out of them beyond them not being identical to Republicans.

      Thanks for sharing in good faith.