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  • AcidSmiley [she/her]
    8 months ago

    A lot of people take HRT while still boymoding, sometimes for years. The same people are also often firmly convinced they do not pass at all when they clearly look like girls already. You can get away with this for half a year or even longer, that happens, but i've been asked in the workplace if i'm trans months before i even got on hormones and i'm not alone in that. It tends to show that we aren't dudes.

    I feel that i also have to warn you that actively hiding who you are is an extremely draining, painful way of life. A good friend of mine is out in every context except to her parents, while still living in the same house as them, and having to go into boymode every time she goes home is incredibly taxing for her. Like, she's coming back from the bathroom in her old clothes and without her makeup and with a beanie instead of her whig and she just looks dead inside, that sparkle in her eyes all gone, slouched over and beaten, it's so awful to see her like that. I don't know your workplace situation and can't judge how safe coming out is for you, and that's for you to decide anyway, but do not underestimate how much staying closeted will fuck with you in the long run. Have a plan B for when you reach the point where it becomes unbearable, because it most likely will get to that point.