A lot of the time, it can be written off as, “normal people don’t know this, so why would my character?” But it’s also rarely if ever portrayed. For anyone not familiar, if you point a gun in someone’s face, there’s a good chance that the part of their brain that processes your speech has now shut down. This is a big reason why cops pointing a gun at someone and then giving orders is bullshit. A lot of the time, you just cannot hear the person talking to you.

I think the closest I’ve seen to this on screen is a POV shot looking at the gun with a shallow depth of field and the person holding the gun is talking, but it’s really muffled. Honestly, I’ll take it. It’s not like people can’t hold a conversation while at gunpoint. It’s just that not everyone can all the time.

  • usernamesaredifficul [he/him]
    11 months ago

    also a lot of true crime and the way that it salivates over the details of the crime really seems more pro serial killer than victims

    I think to an extent it's because serial killers portray more extreme versions of negative traits that american culture teaches women to excuse and minimise in men. The next step up from the creepy rom com excusing being a stalker is the creepy excusing breaking into houses and then excusing murder

    • UlyssesT [he/him]
      11 months ago

      That creepy shit that "True Crime" slop pulled recently where it (CW: unspecified but still grisly explotation of murdered children)


      started impersonating dead kids' voices so the dead kids could narrate their own murders

      was directly something that serial killers would get off to.