Here's the site for the puzzle hunt: Getting them all right puts you in the running for $100 so hopefully a hexbear (or 3!) gets it in the end.

Each puzzle resolves with a 5 letter solution, in this case all part of a spooky halloween theme. I have solved 4 of the 6, but could use some help with the other two.

Here are the solutions I've found:


The key here is seeing the little 'P', 'B', '1', and '4' under some of the moons. The "14" especially gives away that you are supposed to transpose the message on the card onto the moons starting with the top left. (The 'B' in "celebration" ends up being off by one space but they've made little mistakes like that before.) To find the 5 letter word, take the letter from each full moon and spell out:

#1 answer



Pretty obvious imo, take the word said during each of the flashes in the video and add them to the grid design in the bottom right, starting from the middle and working counter clockwise. The word is then in the vertical shaded section.

#2 answer



The key here is in the little dots found on the cards first and second pages. Choose a color and start with the single dot, then connect that to the cluster of two dots of the same color, then the cluster of three, etc. until there aren't any more of the same color to connect. Each drawn figure is a letter (for instance, the black dots form an 'E'). To figure out the correct order of the letters to form the word, arrange the letters in the order that the colors appear in the poem.

#4 answer



This ones a pigeon cipher, looking at the 4 pictures shows a set of letters on the pumpkin. These can be listed out in order as 'LENTGAHI'. We can fill this out in the pigeon key already provided, starting with N in the top left and moving through the list clockwise. Then we use the code to find the answer.

#6 answer


#3 and #5 are still eluding me, so I if anyone wants to share a solution that'd be awesome.

Comrade HumanBehaviorByBjork solved #3, now #5 is the only one unsolved.

  • HumanBehaviorByBjork [any, undecided]
    8 months ago
    Okay, I figured out 5, but you're gonna actually groan when you hear it

    In the image with the hint there's a row of 5 objects right in the middle that we can recognize as elements from the five of the other images.


    This gives us an order. What we're supposed to do, as the message hints, is count how many of that element are in the hint image, and then count to that letter in the name of the candy in the corresponding image. So for example, there are 3 of those little pumpkins, and in the image with the little pumpkins, the 3rd letter of Almond Joy is M. This gives us the answer MAGIC

    I really hated the graphics they used for this one. I think they used AI for some of the things in the pics, and the result are these things that look like neither decorations or treats, and make me feel like I'm looking at one of those images that simulates a stroke.

    • half_giraffe [comrade/them]
      8 months ago

      Excellent work of course, and you're right I groaned in real life. Learning that counting the elements in the individual pictures was pointless and that there's an unused sixth picture is pretty infuriating. Good luck in the contest!