Some examples:

  • Android
  • Alpine: Alpine Linux is built around musl libc and busybox
  • glaucus: A simple and lightweight Linux distribution based on musl libc and toybox
  • Chimera (alpha stage): Chimera uses a novel combination of core tools from FreeBSD, the LLVM toolchain, and the Musl C library
    8 months ago
    • Chimera (alpha stage): Chimera uses a novel combination of core tools from FreeBSD, the LLVM toolchain, and the Musl C library

    Who was the incredible smart person to name a new distro with a similar name to another, older, Linus distro? ChimeraOS

      8 months ago

      Honestly when I first read that I just assumed that ChimeraOS decided to go in an new direction. Also it's not like ChimeraOS is some small super niche distro it seems relatively popular.

      8 months ago

      Also, on their main page:

      Chimera aims to eliminate legacy cruft where possible to deliver a modern, general purpose, fully featured operating system that is simple but complete.

      While on their Community page:

      Our primary means of communication is IRC. [...] We ask you to refrain from using advanced Matrix features, such as reactions, editing, message removal, markup and multi-line messages while using the chat. This is because users on IRC side will either not see that or it will clutter the channel. Stick to simple, plain text messages, like you would if you were on IRC.

      Do you think they're aware of the irony of relying on crusty old IRC while touting about Linux having legacy cruft and their code being better?

    8 months ago

    And not all GNU is Linux! Beyond the world famous GNU Hurd, there's also Debian GNU/kFreeBSD, and Nexenta (GNU/Illumos, which is the OpenSolaris kernel).

    I think the most esoteric of them, though, is GNU Darwin (GNU/XNU). Darwin is the open source parts of OS X, including its kernel, XNU. There used to be an OpenDarwin project to try to turn Darwin into an actual independent operating system, but they failed, and were superseded by PureDarwin, which took a harder line against anything OS X getting into the system. GNU Darwin took it one step further and removed just about all of Darwin (except XNU) and replaced it with GNU instead.

    • davel [he/him]
      8 months ago

      It’s only called UNIX if it comes from the Santa Cruz region of California, otherwise it’s a sparkling POSIX.