• HowMany@lemmy.ml
    11 months ago

    Yo. Shit for brains. Here's the deal.

    Get your god on the ballot. We'll vote for it. If it wins then maybe we'll give a listen to what it's got to say.

    Otherwise keep that fucker OUT of our government.

    • el_abuelo@lemmy.ml
      11 months ago

      Isn't that effectively what he's doing? A vote for him is a vote for his opinions, including that of God.

      • HowMany@lemmy.ml
        11 months ago

        No, that is not what he's doing. He's pretending to be the will of some magical sky fairy, and he is anything but that. He claims to "hear" this imaginary person "telling him what to do". That is not the same thing as a god - that is a charlatan using the snake oil of an imaginary sky fairy to con the poorly educated.

        What I want is god, I don't care which one (they're all imaginary) put on the ballot and voted for. This would be decisive two ways... First, how does one get on a ballot? (they have to prove they are a real live human being, among other tests). And the second doesn't matter, because an imaginary thing can't be on a ballot.