One moment ur looking for ways to color your terminal text contextually, the next ur dick deep in facial recognition software and machine learning algorithms. Always amazed me how the building blocks for the worst shit in society are often just sitting out there for free

  • Shinji_Ikari [he/him]
    4 years ago

    When I was in school I thought AI was pretty neat, so I took a machine learning class and I thought the way you can build models with linear algebra was really cool. Then I took a deep learning class and realized its one of the most pretentious schools one could take part in. Every new white paper is like "instead of n+1 here I made it n+2" and bam you get a PHD. The incremental bullshit change of just mushing various kernels together until you force a result you like just made me hate it. especially how professors and nerds alike would cum themselves over some white paper where the author barely understood what they did.

    On top of that, almost every application is totally evil. outside of detecting cancer or other anomaly detection, every other AI application is just to destroy labor and maximize profit with a thin veil of "it will make society safer" slapped on top of it. Ah yeah fuck truck drivers supporting their family, theres profit to be made.

    In the words of Dr Malcom, "you stood on the shoulders of giants, asking if you could, never stopping to ask if you should."

    • nimpostor [he/him]
      4 years ago

      I hate the culture around AI/ML as well, but don't think the tech is inherently bad. Like you could use AI to automate watering of plants in your food garden based on sensor data for example.