Yesterday was intense for everyone. Some quick updates as of last night:

  • A large amount of the sitemod team has stepped away from the project. Other comrades from the community have volunteered to pitch in and been modded.
  • Some core devs also stepped away from the project. For the time being, you should not expect any further development of new features or bug fixes as we reassess our capacity.
  • Main has been locked. No immediate plans to unlock.
  • Registration is closed and will remain so for the time being.

We 100% understand and support everyone who left yesterday and are also looking forward to the next stage of Hexbear.

We're probably not going to be making any additional announcements or formal communication until after the weekend at the earliest. Thanks.

  • liberal [none/use name]
    3 years ago

    there’s been some new incredibly internal drama that no one who isn’t horribly, horribly online could ever follow.

    It's been fucking baffling to log on some mornings and see some of the shit. Who the fuck cares? Just post memes and entertaining things to make hell world suck less wtf.

    Don’t waste time you could be spending returning to having a real life running this site.

    Literally the head space most of us have. Quarantine projects we all learned a lot from. We haven't decided anything yet for sure. Gauging current willingness and energy to continue. We all have a lot of other shit to do that is less exhausting and honestly more rewarding.