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    8 months ago

    Man, I'mma have to come back to this tomorrow. It's too late in the evening for me to get my heart rate up stripping Rainer's 'bars' for parts and pieces. Knowing it's from him thanks to the comment section, my prediction already is more settler integrationist wrecker shit.

    EDIT: I lied, I can't help myself now that the brainworm has bit and will not let go.. While on one hand, this sounds somewhat shady if it can be proven that PSL and ANSWER knew when the Uhuru march was going on, it sounds like an egregious snub; the other hand is still saying this is still Rainer Shea we're talking about. This is still the same settler who CANNOT PASS UP the opportunity to slag PSL, ANSWER, Black Agenda Report, the Black Alliance for Peace, and basically anyone who won't align with libertarian patsoc nonsense. As far as I'm concerned, no analysis of his can be taken from a serious viewpoint, and I'll wait for a more sober, more credible analysis of the situation from elsewhere.

      8 months ago

      This is still the same settler who CANNOT PASS UP the opportunity to slag PSL, ANSWER, Black Agenda Report, the Black Alliance for Peace

      Indeed this is something that i have never understood and i find very worrying as well the degree to which Rainer obsesses over criticizing these specific orgs. I'm sure they are not without their issues but relative to a lot of other "leftist" groups in the US they are certainly much better.

      I'll wait for a more sober, more credible analysis of the situation from elsewhere.

      This is exactly what i was hoping to get by making this post, i was hoping that someone who is familiar with the situation would come along and explain exactly how and why the situation was misrepresented by Rainer (if it was misrepresented) and would debunk the accusations he is making. I deliberately waited a few days to see if such an explanation would come but unfortunately so far all i have read have been attacks on the credibility of the author, which is all well and good and i do agree with a lot of them, but this doesn't help me when i want to present solid counter-arguments to those who criticize PSL over such apparent snubs of Uhuru's struggle. Without an argument based in the facts it is too easy to be dismissed as simply resorting to ad hominems without substance.

      • Gimasag [he/him]
        8 months ago

        Ok let’s be serious here, do you think Uhuru’s protest should take precedence over what is going on in Palestine right now? There is an active genocide going on and we are talking about the dehumanization of millions of people here. The Palestine march isn’t exactly something that can afford to be moved a week later to accommodate another group.

          8 months ago

          Of course not, but why can't both be done? Otherwise if it is just a matter of priorities and both not being possible then i fully agree, the more urgent one has to be Palestine at the moment.

          My question is this: has PSL said or tried to do anything about the persecution of the Uhuru movement or are they really afraid to be seen defending an organization that has adopted an openly pro-Russian stance just because such an association would alienate liberals?