Indian Coffee House is a restaurant chain in India, run by a series of worker co-operative societies. It has strong presence across India with nearly 400 coffee houses. It has been a hub for Communist, Socialist and liberal movements for generations. Thus it has played a very important role in Geopolitics of India as most successful political movements began from here. Many governments have been formed by the people who regularly visited here.
Not exclusively vegan but most of them are vegetarian only with a lot of strict vegetarian/vegan options since it’s inception. The name comes from the fact that Indians weren’t allowed to open coffee houses at first under British rule. In the 50s A. K. Gopalan (AKG) one of the founders of Communist Party of India (Marxist) encouraged workers to form the Coffee Workers' Co-operatives which eventually became Indian Coffee House. There are now over 400 cafes run by 13 regional cooperatives.
Thankfully no one in India has health problems stopping them from becoming vegans unlike an alarming portion of our poor American and European comrades. Indian communists are all racist rich white hipsters so they can afford to skip meat every now and then.
no need to get smarmy at the end lol
oh sorry are the vegans getting too uppity for you again?
I didn't really care until the other day. I did some perusing about who on the site actually cares that much about this current vegan drama. Turns out there's some people with eating disorders who don't exactly enjoy getting shamed about their diet, one even going as far to say that it made them purge/skip meals.
Dunno, just seems pointless to me. I know the vegan stats and whatnot, I go vegan from time to time, but eating meat a fair bit just suits my lifestyle at the moment. No amount of passive aggressive comments from strangers is gonna change that. I'll make the switch when I'm ready.
lol you don't even know what veganism is
real leftist hours
Ok that's nice, maybe until then don't post in the vegan comm? You don't go on transenby_liberation and go "oh idk if I'm ready to accept you yet" so don't come on here and spout "wah wah ur broccoli hurt my feefees" either.
One doesn't simply go vegan "from time to time" lol
No you clearly don't understand it is impossible to discuss veganism without shitty race-baiting.